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S01 E03

Online Casino Abuse – Ozric Vondervelden, Greco

This podcast episode features Ozric Vondervelden, who uses his experiences of abusing signup bonuses in his youth to protect online casinos today.
tech showcase with rapid
Research & Reports

Technical Showcase: How Netacea Delivers Rapid Results with Advanced Bot Detection

Learn how Netacea quickly proved ROI of our AI-driven bot detection technology through streamlined POV engagements in this report.
The Anatomy of an Arbitrage Betting Bot
Alex McConnell

The Anatomy of an Arbitrage Betting Bot

The automated tools used to facilitate arbitrage betting cause significant revenue damage to bookmakers. How do they work and how can they be stopped?
How Bots are Ruining Online Gaming for Players and Publishers
Alex McConnell

How Bots are Ruining Online Gaming for Players and Publishers

Discover how bot operators and bots are impacting online gaming for video game publishers and publishers.
what are bots costing your business
Research & Reports

What Are Bots Costing Your Business?

Read the report for a deep dive into what the survey revealed about the real cost of malicious bot activity to businesses across the globe.
Top 10 Bot Threats in eCommerce in 2024
Alex McConnell

Top 10 Bot Threats in eCommerce in 2024

What are the biggest bot threats to eCommerce organisations right now? Explore the top 10 biggest bot threats to eCommerce businesses in 2024
Why Fake Accounts are Used in an Account Takeover Attack
Alex McConnell

Why Fake Accounts are Used in an Account Takeover Attack

Fake accounts are much more sinister than they look and can also be viewed as a pre-emptive warning of an imminent account takeover (ATO) attack.
bot management use cases image
Data Sheet

Netacea Bot Management Use Cases

Explore the use cases for Netacea Bot Management, including credential stuffing, scalper bots, web scraping, arb betting and carding.
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