S02 E07

Validating AI Value, Securing Supply Chains, Fake Account Creation

In this episode, hosts discuss AI validation, ways to secure the supply chain, fake account creation with guest speakers from Netacea, Cytix and Risk Ledger.
S02 E06

Protecting Privacy in ChatGPT, Credential Stuffing Strikes 23andMe, Freebie Bots

Find out how to make the most of ChatGPT without compromising privacy, how 23andMe could have avoided its credential stuffing attack, and how freebie bots work.
S02 E05

Skiplagging, CAPTCHA vs Bots, Scraper Bots

Discover why airlines are battling skiplagging and the bots that aid it, whether CAPTCHA is still useful, and scraper bots uses in this podcast.
S02 E04

National Risk Register, Encrypted Messaging, Residential Proxy Networks

This month we begin by examining the 2023 National Risk Register, explore the issues surrounding encrypted messaging apps, and look at the rise of residential proxy networks.

Bots vs Consumers, Social Media API Access, Ticket Scalping Legislation

This podcast focuses on bots targeting driving tests and grocery delivery slots; the rise and fall of open APIs for social media platforms; plus ticket scalping.
S02 E02

AI Regulation & Music, Scalping For Immigration Appointments, Credential Stuffing

Join the Netacea panel for another installment of the Cybersecurity Sessions podcast, covering AI, scalping and credential stuffing.

RSA Conference 2023: Review & Insights from Netacea’s C-Suite

Netacea CTO Andy Still and CISO Andy Ash return from RSA 2023 to share their insights from the biggest cybersecurity event of the year.
S02 E01

AI Ethics, Ticket Scalping, Russian Disinformation, Card Cracking

Listen to this episode of the Cybersecurity Sessions podcast for insights on AI ethics, ticket scalping, Russian disinformation, and card cracking.

RSA Conference 2023 Preview: Our Top 5 Most Anticipated Sessions

Meet Andy Still, Andy Ash and the rest of the Netacea team at RSA Conference 2023 in San Francisco from 24-27 April.
S01 E16

Stalkerware Exposed – Martijn Grooten, Internews

In this episode Martijn Grooten talks about how stalkware is used by abusers to control their victims, and how to stop this happening.
S01 E15

Newsworthy Data Leaks – Jurgita Lapienytė, CyberNews

Jurgita Lapienytė, Chief Editor of CyberNews, talks through some of the most notable data leaks reported in the media in recent years.
S01 E14

The Behavioral Science of Cybersecurity – Si Pavitt & Steve Dewsnip, MOD

Guests from the UK Ministry of Defence join this episode to discuss how behavioral science can be applied to cybersecurity in unique ways.
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Block Bots Effortlessly with Netacea

Demo Netacea and see how our bot protection software autonomously prevents the most sophisticated and dynamic automated attacks across websites, apps and APIs.
  • Agentless, self managing spots up to 33x more threats
  • Automated, trusted defensive AI. Real-time detection and response
  • Invisible to attackers. Operates at the edge, deters persistent threats

Book a Demo
