Published: 26/06/2020

Clear Web

What is the definition of the clear web? The clear web is the section of the internet that is the most publicly accessed. It’s the internet we use on a daily basis and includes web pages that are largely indexed on search engines.

The clear web is also known as the Surface Web, which only consists of 10% of the internet It is the opposite of the deep web, which is the part of the internet that is not indexed by a web search engine.

Clear web vs deep web

What is the difference between the clear web and the deep web?

The clear web consists of the public websites that are indexed in search engines, therefore allowing anyone access to them. The deep web consists of all other parts of the internet that have not been indexed by a search engine, and it makes up 90% of all internet content.

The deep web contains data found in academic journals, government records such as tax filings or registered license plates, databases maintained by private companies (Whole Foods’ purchase history for example), and password-protected sites.

The only way to reach these pages is through special tools like anonymous proxies or encrypted tunnels which allow users to bypass search engines when they conduct their searches and access this information on the deep web.

Clear web vs dark web

What is the difference between the clear web and the dark web?

The clear web consists of all publicly accessible websites that are indexed by search engines. The deep web refers to all pages on the internet NOT indexed by search engines, which makes up 90% of the internet.

The dark web, however, is a small portion of Internet content that has been intentionally concealed or locked away from public access. It requires special software tools to gain entry through invitation-only networks, usually hosted within encrypted networks like Tor.

How to find information on the clear web

The clear web allows everyone access to a large amount of data, but not all information is easily found using search engines. You may have noticed that when you conduct a Google search, only a few relevant results are produced to be viewed. This is because Google’s primary focus is on showing users the most accurate and useful information possible.

A way to find more content than what can be displayed by a web search engine is by searching for specific websites or pages directly through your browser’s address bar. When conducting research it’s important to avoid bias in order to obtain neutral facts as the true value of this material cannot always be determined through other means such as social media sites due to their susceptibility towards opinion pieces and biased articles.

How to approach the clear internet

The clear internet holds a great deal of valuable information. If you’re conducting research for school or work, this content could be very beneficial as a jumping off point to finding further sources about your topic.

However, there is also a lot of material on the web that can be misleading and potentially harmful. Browse with caution because everything divulged over the clear internet is available for the world to see.

Even if you browse using incognito mode in your browser, all data saved from searches and websites visited are still accessible by anyone who knows how to find them, so never type personal passwords or other sensitive information into any website without knowing its legitimacy first.

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