Keep Bots Out of Telecoms Customer Accounts
Use a single integration to stop automated attacks on websites, APIs and mobile apps accessing valuable customer accounts.

telco accounts protected
saved in call center costs
malicious login attempts blocked per hour
Top Telco Threats Stopped Before They Impact Customers
Top 3 Telecoms Provider Saves £1 Million by Preventing Account Theft
A top 3 telecommunications company’s customer accounts and bundled streaming services were targeted by criminals for resale on the dark web. Thanks to Netacea, the client’s customers are now protected against account theft. This removes disruption to their services and allows the client to focus on their goal of improving the lives of their customers.
Tackle Automated Threats Your Telecoms Business Faces Every Day
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Block Bots Effortlessly with Netacea
Demo Netacea and see how our bot protection software autonomously prevents the most sophisticated and dynamic automated attacks across websites, apps and APIs.